Didn't I just say that a major news story would break soon?

The big story today, of course, is Sen. McCain's cancellation of his campaign plans to focus on the financial crisis. Most notably, McCain has asked Sen. Obama if a delay in the debate is possible, but the Obama campaign has responded clearly that they wish to go on.

McCain has suspended many of his own campaign activities, including ads and appearances. Most notably, McCain will not be appearing on the David Letterman show tonight. Instead, he'll be traveling to Washington, D.C., to work on the bailout bill with his fellow senators, which could potentially reach as much as US$700 billion.

While the U.S. Senate puzzles through their numbers and how to structure the bill, here's your chance to work through your own structure of numbers. All you have to do is replace each letter with a particular number, so the resulting equation true. It may seem tough, but it's much easier than the number puzzle the senate has to work through. At least in this one, you get hints, and you can be sure there is a right answer!

Click here to see the rules for this puzzle.

The object of this puzzle is to replace each letter with a number so that the equation is true.

The rules are as follows:
• Each letter represents only one digit, 0-9, throughout the problem.
• Different letters represent different digits, and no two letters represent the same digit.
• Any letter that represents the leftmost digit in a number never represents 0.
• When solved, the equation must be true.
• There is only one possible solution.

To start solving the problem, click on any box, and change that box's letter to a number, and then hit the tab key. If that letter appears more than once, the other instances of that same letter will also be changed to that same number. You won't be alerted if you enter the same digit for two different letters, so be careful!

The Hint button will tell you one digit, and which letter represents that digit. The Restore button will set each text box back to its original letter. The Check button will let you know whether your solution is correct.

Let everyone know how you did in the comments!


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