State governors who paid attention to the events of Hurricane Katrina back in 2005, aren't repeating the mistake of waiting to call in FEMA.

As an example, Hurricane Ike is expected to make landfall tonight, yet the ambulances in the pictures below (or rather, the ambulances that will be in the picture below once you put them back together), were ready and in place in San Antonio, Texas 2 days ago! They can be quickly dispatched to Galveston, or any other part of Texas that needs their help.

Can you arrange the ambulances in time for help, too?

Click here to see the rules for this puzzle.

Click on any block next to the empty space, and that block will slide into the empty space. The Shuffle button mixes the pieces, the Original button shows the finished picture, and the Numbers button puts numbers on the pieces, to give you a better idea of where they belong. The clock begins when you move your first piece, and when you solve the puzzle, the empty square will appear.

Let everyone know how you did in the comments!
(Picture courtesy of FEMA.)


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