Voice-over artist Don LaFontaine died on Monday (Sep. 1). His name wasn't well-known to many, but his voice was known by his catchphrase, “In a world...”.

Since his voice is better known than his face, I'll help you piece together his face by, well, having you piece together his face! Thanks to Jigzone, I'm able to bring you the following Don LaFontaine jigsaw puzzle.

Because Jigzone requires an area of at least 700 pixels for an embedded puzzle, and this blog's content area is only about 500 pixels wide, I'm embedding it via FancyBox, which is a jQuery version of the standard Lightbox window.

Open the Don LaFontaine jigsaw puzzle by clicking here!

Check out the following videos to see Don LaFontaine in action:Click here to see the rules for this puzzle.

To work on the jigsaw puzzle, click on the above link to open the modal window that contains the puzzle. The clock will start when you use your mouse to pick up the first piece. Move the pieces around by clicking and dargging them with your mouse. You can use this to arrange pieces on the board, and to connect pieces by placing your selected piece close enough to a connecting piece that one piece's nub locks into the other's void. You can close the window by clicking the circular area in the upper right corner of the window.

Let everyone know how you did in the comments!

(Public domain image courtesy of Maciek17)


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