With today's announcement of Sarah Palin as John McCain's pick as a vice-presidential candidate, we now have a full set of presidential and vice-presidential candidates from the two major parties.

Since both presidential candidates had a long search for their respective vice-presidential candidates, I thought a search for all the candidate's names (first and last), the states they've represented, and the “ELECTION” itself was an order.

(Java required)

Click here to see the rules for this puzzle.

Can you find all the words on the list? The words can be hidden horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, and oriented in any of the cardinal or ordinal directions. Letters may be used in more than one word, so don't ignore highlighted words!

When you find a word, highlight it by pointing your mouse at the first or last letter, click and drag the highlighter until you reach the other end of the word, and release your mouse button. As you find the words, they'll be removed from the list.

To get a new word search grid, simply click on the Rescramble button. If you give up on finding a particular word or words, click it on the list to highlight the word(s), then click the Find Words button, and they'll be highlighted for you in the puzzle.

Let everyone know how you did in the comments!


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